Hackathon Global Challenges
While individuals and teams are welcome to come to the hackathon with they own projects and ideas, one of exciting parts of this weekend is working towards the challenges. In this post we’re giving an outline of the challenges that are happening in all the 14 locations around the world. Next week we’ll be posting about the local challenges set by our sponsors.
Wearable tech could become a technology that transforms the world as much as mobile phones and tablets have done. With all the additional sensors and feedback mechanisms this technology has been used for health tracking, education, aiding transportation, finance and music. As this potential uses for wearables continues to grow we should not overlook the possibilities for the cultural and spiritual impact it could have. How can we use wearables to advance the gospel?
Purity in a Digital Age
Proverbs 4:23 calls us to guard our heart. The word ‘accountability’ doesn’t appear in the bible, but it is a term that is used by a lot of churches to capture some of the ideals that God has for human relationships. It is no secret that in the digital age many struggle with purity, sin works deep in our personality, thoughts and desires, and technology can be something that fuels this fire… But what would happen if we made a product that flips this? What would it look like if we developed new technology to aid the individual and the community to stay pure?
Reaching Islamic World
There is a saturation of technology in many different culture and for many it being used as a primary connection point, be that for email, social networking, forums, SMS, radio, etc… But despite this wide spread use there are so many people in the Islamic world who have not heard the gospel. This weekend can we build something that will change this? Can we better enable Christians to build relationships with their Muslim neighbours or something to bring the gospel to the Islamic world?
Children’s Games
Childhood is a time in our life when we are most open to learning, it is also a time in our lives that shapes a lot of things for our future. What would the next generation look like if we built a solid foundation for them on the technology that they already know and love? In this challenge we are asking you to think about how we can reach these young people and give them something that is more fulfilling that Angry Birds or Temple Run. We want to see our children growing up being grounded in the bible, with a God centred worldview and a faith that holds during the storms of life.
Oculus Rift and Sony’s Project Morpheus are the most obvious technologies that is beginning to harness virtual reality, but with their price tag they are not very accessible. Google Cardboard offers an easy method of turning your phone into a VR headset. When we think of ten years ago we had no idea about the way that smart phones would change our culture, similarly we’re not sure what VR is going to do ten years from now. But this is an opportunity for us to dream, experiment and to try new things. What can we do with VR at a Code for the Kingdom hack?
It’s not about how much money you give away, just look at Jesus’ response to the giving woman outside the temple in Mark 12:41-44. On one hand generosity comes as the work of the Holy Spirit within us, changing our heart and our attitudes, but it is also something that we have to work on ourselves. In this final global challenge we are asking how we can encourage a culture of generosity and how can we inspire individuals and groups to have a joyful and Christ centred generosity.
Has this triggered any thoughts or ideas? Come and join us on the 2-4 October for the hackathon. More information and tickets are available on the hackathon page.