Transforming Lives at Code for the Kingdom
Lets be under no illusion – technology has totally transformed the world we live in. It is something that continues each day. I watch in amazement each tweet from Elon Musk as he talks about what SpaceX is trying to achieve, but also give thanks as I read reports of technology being used to improve medical care around the world.
Christians have not been separate from these technological changes either, using technology to share and live out their faith. From the obvious example of the printing press being used to mass produce bibles, through to people like Rev Chad Varah installing a phone line in his church in 1953 to provide support for those contemplating suicide. This went on to become The Samaritans.
This year at Code for the Kingdom we’re going to be focusing on the theme of Transforming Lives.
Over the hackathon weekend, that’s what we’ll be thinking about. As a people transformed by Jesus, motivated by our faith, called to love the last, the lost and the least… how can we use the coding, or designing, or entrepreneurial skills that God has given to help advance his kingdom?
We’re finalising the challenges at the moment, but want to give you a head start on thinking about what projects you could bring on the 21st October. Come with a group, or come on your own and join a team around an idea, and work on a project that has the potential to transform the lives of our neighbours, or communities, or society and even the world for the gospel.