All BUILD 2024 projects… provides discipleship training resources in over 40 languages for free. It's run as a side project, and there are plenty of areas to work on over the weekend.
- web
- design / ux
- backend dev - python
Behold Bible
Help make scripture engagement less overwhelming, and more engaging.
- web
- design / ux
Stewardship: Beyond Giving
Help Stewardship rethink how stronger bonds between donors and the partners can be created, not just showing the impact of a gift, but faciliating two way dialogue.
- design / ux
- prototype
Bible Society: Bible Bolt
Bolt the Bible into commonly used tools like Microsoft 365 to allow Bible communicators to quickly copy-and-paste Bible passages.
- backend dev
- integration
Breeze Translate
Take a translation project that was prototyped last year at BUILD, and work out how to scale it from 10 churches, to 10,000…
- backend
Cross Connecting
In the UK only 4% of young people have a meaningful relationship with a local church. If parents, Christian teachers, and local churches were able to start working together how might that change?
- product
- prototyping
- design / ux
- web
Croydon Vineyard Church: New Testament Journey
Help a local church in Croydon share their daily devotional guide through the New Testament through a mobile app…
- mobile app
- prototyping
- design / ux
Prayer Walk App
Help local churches prayer walk the streets in their community – cover the city in prayer.
- mobile app
- java and typescript
Kingdom Democracy Project: PrayReps
Help Christians engage with local, national, and global politics in prayer
- python
- database
- web
Christ Church Mayfair: Scripture Overview App
Explore the Bible’s overarching narrative, designed to guide users through the entire story. Help us prototype this app for a potential public launch in Summer 2025.
- prototype
- mobile app dev
- design/ux
Create an engaging game that challenges users to connect Bible passages, similar to the popular "Strands" game from NYT Games.
- web
- react/vue
- design/ux
Faith in Kids: The Christmas Build-Up
Build a digital advent calendar to go alongside a new Christmas resource for children and parents to explore the Christmas story together.
- web – wordpress
- design/ux