Kingdom Code BUILD

Project: PrayReps

Kingdom Democracy Project:


Christians currently struggle to place the love of Jesus at the heart of how they think and pray about politics - our cultures, and therefore our prayers, are more informed by fear and desire for control than by faith and desire to see God’s Kingdom come in our communities and nations.

Pray for Elected Representatives (PrayReps) makes it easier for Christians to pray for those who exercise authority in their governments, at local and national level. It isn’t about praying for policies or parties, but for places and for people, as a necessary - and often neglected - foundation for the church to care for the nations and pray for political leaders. Praying about policy is important, but it’s not what PrayReps is for.

Arranged around electoral maps, and focused on praying specifically for each representative in each part of the polity, PrayReps is meant to be portable to any country having an election, and we want to build a robust and simple minimum viable product to enable Christians to pray through forthcoming elections, including in the United States, as well as for those newly elected to Parliaments since July (including the UK).

Over the course of the weekend can you help PrayReps go from a hacked together codebase running locally, to something that other people can join in with? Can you help them scale to accomodate more elections, handle more users, remember how far through a user has prayed, etc?

All BUILD 2024 projects… provides discipleship training resources in over 40 languages for free. It's run as a side project, and there are plenty of areas to work on over the weekend.

  • web
  • design / ux
  • backend dev - python

Behold Bible

Help make scripture engagement less overwhelming, and more engaging.

  • web
  • design / ux

Stewardship: Beyond Giving

Help Stewardship rethink how stronger bonds between donors and the partners can be created, not just showing the impact of a gift, but faciliating two way dialogue.

  • design / ux
  • prototype

Bible Society: Bible Bolt

Bolt the Bible into commonly used tools like Microsoft 365 to allow Bible communicators to quickly copy-and-paste Bible passages.

  • backend dev
  • integration

Breeze Translate

Take a translation project that was prototyped last year at BUILD, and work out how to scale it from 10 churches, to 10,000…

  • backend

Cross Connecting

In the UK only 4% of young people have a meaningful relationship with a local church. If parents, Christian teachers, and local churches were able to start working together how might that change?

  • product
  • prototyping
  • design / ux
  • web

Croydon Vineyard Church: New Testament Journey

Help a local church in Croydon share their daily devotional guide through the New Testament through a mobile app…

  • mobile app
  • prototyping
  • design / ux

Prayer Walk App

Help local churches prayer walk the streets in their community – cover the city in prayer.

  • mobile app
  • java and typescript

Kingdom Democracy Project: PrayReps

Help Christians engage with local, national, and global politics in prayer

  • python
  • database
  • web

Christ Church Mayfair: Scripture Overview App

Explore the Bible’s overarching narrative, designed to guide users through the entire story. Help us prototype this app for a potential public launch in Summer 2025.

  • prototype
  • mobile app dev
  • design/ux


Create an engaging game that challenges users to connect Bible passages, similar to the popular "Strands" game from NYT Games.

  • web
  • react/vue
  • design/ux

Faith in Kids: The Christmas Build-Up

Build a digital advent calendar to go alongside a new Christmas resource for children and parents to explore the Christmas story together.

  • web – wordpress
  • design/ux

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