Kingdom Code BUILD

London: Friday 15th – Saturday 16th October 2021

Build at St. John's, Hoxton

Kingdom Code BUILD is our annual hackathon in partnership with Indigitous #Hack, bringing together Christians who work in the world of tech from across Europe.

Join Christian technologists from across the UK and beyond to share ideas and kick start projects that integrate our Christian faith and technical skill sets.

Whether you’re a developer, designer, project manager, branding/marketing expert, ideator or something else entirely, enjoy taking a weekend to meet and work with others in the Kingdom Code community who share your desire to see God glorified through technology.

It was great to develop something for the Kingdom and to meet Christians in tech.


One of my highlights from BUILD was catching up with people and getting to do some pythony pairing for a great idea.


One of the best bits was encouraging and supporting a community who really are dedicated to Jesus and Tech… it is a really good hackathon!


I met excellent skilled people, eager to code for Jesus


It all come together; five previous strangers managed to build something together using everyone's skills


At BUILD I realised you don't have to be perfect to develop or have a high knowledge to start an project


I loved seeing how much can be achieved in such a short period of time!


It was impressive to seeing every one committed to moving fast from idea to an output with in a day. Grateful for the tech skill sets and talents within the Christian community


I was able to work with a team of people who loved God, to build something which advanced His Kingdom… it was exhilarating.


At BUILD I was able to meet other Christian developers and discuss God centered technologies.

All BUILD 2021 projects…

build 2021 Blog posts

This is a list of the latest 3 blog posts tagged with build-2021. View all posts from Kingdom Code on the Kingdom Code blog.

Blog post - April 2022

Covering the City in Prayer

Blog post - October 2021

Three things you can pray for BUILD 2021

Blog post - August 2021

BUILD is back for 2021

Kingdom Code BUILD

Friday 15th – Saturday 16th October 2021
Previously at BUILD: 2023 2022 2021 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

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