Cause Cross Categorisation
Stewardship works with over 12,500 ministries and individuals, helping them receive donations from Christians across the UK. Over the last few years Stewardship has been making it easier to find and understand what these organisations do through Cause Finder. Cause Finder is made up of unique partner profile pages and help givers find causes close to their heart.
As part of the Cause Finder project Stewardship has identified 26 ‘Cause Crosses’ (charity categories) which now need to be assigned to these 12,500 ministries…
At BUILD Stewardship would love achieve two specific things:
All 12,500 of our partners have been assigned up to 3 CauseCrosses that accurately represent what they do.
There is an API that Stewardship can use when onboarding new partners which will automatically make the Cause Cross recommendation.
This will demand some kind of AI. The base data sets used for the categorisation would be the charity commission database, the partner’s own web site, and any other generally available data.
How would you help Stewardship begin to categories the partners that they are working with?
Find out more at
All BUILD 2023 projects…
Speak Life: 321 Course
How can we bring participants of an online evangelistic course into in-person conversations and discipleship relationships?
- user experience
- design
Stewardship: Cause Cross Categorisation
Create an API that automatically categorises charities to support giving.
- development
- api building
- ai
- llm
500k churches: Cross-Tool Data Integration
A start-up ministry has data stored in multiple different silos, how might we support them to have a better understanding of their operations, identify trends, and make better decisions.
- data analysis
- sql
- integrations
Help build a community tool for church members to ask questions about their faith.
- typescript
- react native
- firebase
- design
Scripture Union: Online Grow Communities
How might create a hybrid space for young people to grow in their faith?
- design
- ux
- church worker
- copy editor
Safe Families UK: Online Matching Tool
Improve an existing tool to help find local church volunteers build relationship and connections with lonely families.
- php
- mariadb
- javascript
- designer
Church Mission Society: Pioneer Community Platform
Can you help CMS build a skill sharing platform for a network of ministry pioneers?
- web development
- design
Bible Society: Plugging in Bible Passages to Common Software
Copy and pasting the Bible is full of formatting issues; how can we make it a smooth user experience?
- design
- ux
- development
- copy editor
Christians Against Poverty: Poverty Unmasked
Put useful and practical information into the hands of the church so they can understand what poverty looks like in their area.
- open data
- data analysis
- design
Discipleship Tech: PrayerMate ReSync
Support the PrayerMate team rework the internal database and reimplement offline data syncing
- flutter
- dart
Reading Scripture like Code
How might we take some of the tools of an IDE and apply them to scripture?
- design
- develop
- prototype
North Evington Free Church: Real Time Language Translation for Services
What technology could we implement to help non-english speakers understand a Sunday service in real-time?
- development
- tts
- platform integration
Help make the back-of-house admin run smoothly in foodbanks
- react
- strapi v4
- heroku
- vercel
GEMeDOT: Visualising Ministry Impact
How can we display and visualise the on the ground impact a ministry is having?
- design
- ionic
- firestore