Upsio is a pioneering pre-production multi-tenant SaaS tailored to empower Foodbanks with cutting-edge digital tools, facilitating efficient scalability. Upsio addresses a pressing concern: Foodbanks nationwide are witnessing a significant surge in client numbers while experiencing a decline in donations. The Upsio platform offers streamlined processes and effective client management, empowering foodbank staff to allocate more time and attention to those in our society who are often the most vulnerable, enabling smoother operations and vital assistance.
Following a successful live trial in December 2022, Upsio garnered significant partnerships with industry leaders such as Scottish Power and Midcounties Coop. The trial demonstrated tangible impact, enabling Shrewsbury Foodbank to distribute an impressive 560 Christmas Hampers with the same resources that previously supported only 200.
Presently, Upsio is gearing up for another live trial this Autumn, laying the groundwork for onboarding two full-time beta food banks in the coming year.
Returning to BUILD this year as an award-winning project, Upsio carries ambitious aspirations. The development roadmap encompasses both the creation of new features and the enhancement of existing ones, necessitating technical expertise for seamless execution.
Upsio seeks assistance in several crucial areas:
- Duplicate Referral Handling: Leveraging PAF address data, Upsio can now identify if a residence is already registered in the system. However, the nuanced task of uniquely identifying individuals goes beyond their residential address.
Backend Policies: Implementation of robust backend policies to ensure precise control over permissions, comprehensive logs, and restricted access. - Inbound SMS Integration: Establishing a secure backend endpoint to receive inbound SMS, effectively log the messages and their respective states, and trigger push notifications to the relevant team members for swift responses.
- State-Based Routing: Facilitating a seamless browsing experience within Upsio based on ‘service,’ filtering all content by the selected service.
- Robust Search and Filtering Mechanism: Developing an efficient method for searching, filtering, and consuming content within the application.
- PWA Optimisation:
- Efficient Caching: Optimise font caching and implement service workers for improved load times and offline functionality.
- Idle State Performance: Enhance application responsiveness during idle states and enable seamless background sync for improved user experience.
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All BUILD 2023 projects…
Speak Life: 321 Course
How can we bring participants of an online evangelistic course into in-person conversations and discipleship relationships?
- user experience
- design
Stewardship: Cause Cross Categorisation
Create an API that automatically categorises charities to support giving.
- development
- api building
- ai
- llm
500k churches: Cross-Tool Data Integration
A start-up ministry has data stored in multiple different silos, how might we support them to have a better understanding of their operations, identify trends, and make better decisions.
- data analysis
- sql
- integrations
Help build a community tool for church members to ask questions about their faith.
- typescript
- react native
- firebase
- design
Scripture Union: Online Grow Communities
How might create a hybrid space for young people to grow in their faith?
- design
- ux
- church worker
- copy editor
Safe Families UK: Online Matching Tool
Improve an existing tool to help find local church volunteers build relationship and connections with lonely families.
- php
- mariadb
- javascript
- designer
Church Mission Society: Pioneer Community Platform
Can you help CMS build a skill sharing platform for a network of ministry pioneers?
- web development
- design
Bible Society: Plugging in Bible Passages to Common Software
Copy and pasting the Bible is full of formatting issues; how can we make it a smooth user experience?
- design
- ux
- development
- copy editor
Christians Against Poverty: Poverty Unmasked
Put useful and practical information into the hands of the church so they can understand what poverty looks like in their area.
- open data
- data analysis
- design
Discipleship Tech: PrayerMate ReSync
Support the PrayerMate team rework the internal database and reimplement offline data syncing
- flutter
- dart
Reading Scripture like Code
How might we take some of the tools of an IDE and apply them to scripture?
- design
- develop
- prototype
North Evington Free Church: Real Time Language Translation for Services
What technology could we implement to help non-english speakers understand a Sunday service in real-time?
- development
- tts
- platform integration
Help make the back-of-house admin run smoothly in foodbanks
- react
- strapi v4
- heroku
- vercel
GEMeDOT: Visualising Ministry Impact
How can we display and visualise the on the ground impact a ministry is having?
- design
- ionic
- firestore