Church Mission Society:
Pioneer Community Platform
The Church Mission Society (CMS) has a specific training program called ‘Pioneering’ which ranges from a 1 year program, all the way to a Masters level university course. The pioneer program trains and equips individuals to explore non-traditional ministry opportunities and community engagement.
Next year CMS are launching a ‘Pioneer Community’; CMS wants a platform for members of the Pioneer Community – alumni and students of the mission training course – to share and barter resources as well as skills. Pioneers are known for their creativity and innovativeness, and CMS would like to offer the Community a means of collaborating and identifying cross-sections of interest.
Over the course of the hackathon we’ll be exploring what digital engagement in this community could be. Initial ideas have started with a resources and skills sharing platform where pioneers can advertise needs for specific skills or offer said-skills within the community… but that’s just a starting point.
CMS has a year until the program launches, and wants to start digging out a good foundation during the hackathon.
Find out more at
All BUILD 2023 projects…
Speak Life: 321 Course
How can we bring participants of an online evangelistic course into in-person conversations and discipleship relationships?
- user experience
- design
Stewardship: Cause Cross Categorisation
Create an API that automatically categorises charities to support giving.
- development
- api building
- ai
- llm
500k churches: Cross-Tool Data Integration
A start-up ministry has data stored in multiple different silos, how might we support them to have a better understanding of their operations, identify trends, and make better decisions.
- data analysis
- sql
- integrations
Help build a community tool for church members to ask questions about their faith.
- typescript
- react native
- firebase
- design
Scripture Union: Online Grow Communities
How might create a hybrid space for young people to grow in their faith?
- design
- ux
- church worker
- copy editor
Safe Families UK: Online Matching Tool
Improve an existing tool to help find local church volunteers build relationship and connections with lonely families.
- php
- mariadb
- javascript
- designer
Church Mission Society: Pioneer Community Platform
Can you help CMS build a skill sharing platform for a network of ministry pioneers?
- web development
- design
Bible Society: Plugging in Bible Passages to Common Software
Copy and pasting the Bible is full of formatting issues; how can we make it a smooth user experience?
- design
- ux
- development
- copy editor
Christians Against Poverty: Poverty Unmasked
Put useful and practical information into the hands of the church so they can understand what poverty looks like in their area.
- open data
- data analysis
- design
Discipleship Tech: PrayerMate ReSync
Support the PrayerMate team rework the internal database and reimplement offline data syncing
- flutter
- dart
Reading Scripture like Code
How might we take some of the tools of an IDE and apply them to scripture?
- design
- develop
- prototype
North Evington Free Church: Real Time Language Translation for Services
What technology could we implement to help non-english speakers understand a Sunday service in real-time?
- development
- tts
- platform integration
Help make the back-of-house admin run smoothly in foodbanks
- react
- strapi v4
- heroku
- vercel
GEMeDOT: Visualising Ministry Impact
How can we display and visualise the on the ground impact a ministry is having?
- design
- ionic
- firestore